The Gifts of Improv
In this season of giving we are reminded that Improv is all about giving the gifts of acceptance, belonging, and relationship. We give these gifts to each other by saying “Yes, and . . .” As we participate in a scene, my gift to you is an idea that will make you look good, and you do the same for me. We accept each other’s gifts, and we add on to create something new and wonderful together. We’re not worried about mistakes, because we trust that we will take care of each other.
Play “Best Gift Ever” with your students, friends or family this holiday season. As you play, we hope that everyone will receive the gifts of laughter, joy and belonging.
Best Gift Ever!
One partner thinks of a gift to give the other person (it can be anything) and says, “Here (person’s name), I got you this _______”
The other person enthusiastically thanks their partner and explains why it’s the Best Gift Ever!
“Ted, I got you this cookbook from 1950”
“Thank you Kate. It’s just perfect, because I have been doing this new thing called decade cooking and I’m just finishing up the 1960s.”
Take turns giving & receiving gifts.
Provide parameters such as:
A really boring everyday object
Something that would be a terrible gift
An outrageous and extravagant gift
Choose something that you think they would like
A kitchen object
An animal
Partner One gives a gift to the Partner Two but doesn’t say what it is. Partner Two thanks Partner One for the gift, and says what it is. Then Partner One justifies by telling the Partner Two why they chose that gift.
Partner One- “Hi Kim, I got you this gift.”
Partner Two - “Thank you for this awesome cat scratching post”
Partner One - “You are welcome! I’ve noticed that you seem to be collecting cats, and I thought you might need it.”
Partner One gives partner Two a gift without saying what it is, but with saying why they chose it. Then partner Two thanks them and identifies what the gift is.
Partner One: “I got you this gift because I know how much you love to swim.”
Partner Two: “Thank you. I love these swimming goggles.”