MNprov SUMMER FUNdraiser
August 8, 2024
Show starts: 7:30 pm
Doors Open: 6:30 pm
6105 42nd Ave N, Crystal, MN 55422
Gather your friends and family, and join us at the Elision Playhouse for a night of summer fun with activities, beverages, snacks, and a family friendly improv show to support MNprov!
Arrive between 6:30 - 7:30 pm to enjoy our social hour! During this time you can visit, buy a snack (chips/candy bars) and a beverage (alcoholic or nonalcoholic), use the free photo booth, write some scene suggestions, participate in a bucket raffle, and maybe win a prize.
Adult Admission - $20
Youth Admission - $10
Our performers, a mixture of professional improvisation artists and students, will use your suggestions to put on a hilarious & one-of-a-kind show!
$2 per Activity Ticket
Bucket Raffle
Add one or more tickets to the bucket(s) of your choice for the chance to win a prize.
Suggestion Sale
Add suggestions to the bucket and the performers will try to use your ideas in the show! (one suggestion per ticket)
Dog Bowl Toss
How many bean bags can you toss into the dog bowls?
A Sneak Peek at Some of the Raffle Prizes
Parking Information:
Elision Playhouse has a free adjacent parking lot. If that is full, there is also street parking along Brunswick Avenue (east of the building). PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN ANY OF THE RED SHADED AREAS. The small lot as you enter is reserved for Keng's Restaurant. The Brunswick United Methodist Church has also graciously offered the use of their parking lot behind the church for overflow parking. Other nearby street parking is also available.